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Multistage centrifugal fan

  • Multistage centrifugal blower, roots blower
Multistage centrifugal blower, roots blower

Multistage centrifugal blower, roots blower

  • Product description: Centrifugal fan The specific design and description of the pumps, centrifuges, compressors, exhaust fans or blowers are as follows:
Centrifugal fan
The specific design and description of the pumps, centrifuges, compressors, exhaust fans or blowers are as follows:
Shell structure:
According to the different type, inlet, outlet and intermediate segment group are to cast iron or aluminum alloy manufacture. The adjustable blower pressure corresponding to different level requirements are small 10, large 7. Inlet, outlet and each intermediate partition group is convex connection again by the steel bolt clamping into the wind. And the export standard is vertically connected to the device, but according to actual needs, select import and different direction of connection. Each level is through the labyrinth seal ring sealing system to achieve. At the same time, in order to meet the needs of some applications, the internal part of the body of a specific cover is possible.
Rotating shaft:
The rotary shaft is composed of a bar shaped object with some isolation plates. Also, the impeller bolt is locked together with the shaft.
The impeller is made of cast aluminum or riveted. Each impeller is statically balanced. As for the rotary shaft, it is dynamically balanced in order to ensure that the amplitude of the operating state is less than 4.5 mm per second.
In order to better meet the different needs, we provide different types of impellers, including radial and curved.
Bearing seat:
The bearing is mounted on the bearing seat of the casting.
The bearing seat is securely fixed to the inlet and outlet so that routine maintenance is easy without the need for removal of other parts. Bearing is the only feature of the machine rotary shaft and the fixed plate
One connection point. Depending on the needs of the application, it is possible to ensure the sealing of the bearing by means of a graphitized belt or a 4 - piece carbon ring. The leakage is greatly reduced by carbon ring seal
Condition. Between the carbon rings may be a pressurized gas seal.
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